The OBD interface is a ubiquitous connector found on all
vehicles manufactured after 1991. It is typically found by the driver’s
left knee and sometimes may be covered by a piece of dashboard fascia. The OBD
port allows for easy access to +12VDC and ground which our trackers need for
The OBD connector does NOT however, supply an ignition sense
line. The Overview trackers, in vehicles, use the ignition sense line to
tell when the vehicle has been started or shutdown, and in turn enables our
customers to know the same information. The OBD wiring harness we offer
now, allows for easy installation, that almost anyone can accomplish.
This greatly decreases installation time, however, with the use of OBD, you
potentially lose the ignition status of the vehicle. By POTENTIALLY, we
mean that the wiring harness still includes the red wire for ignition sensing,
should you choose to hook it up and use it, but, if you don’t need to know when
the vehicle was started or shutdown, then your installation is SIMPLE!
3.5 tracker with OBD connector