Tag Installation Instructions

Tag Installation Instructions

Overview Tags

The Overview tag (OV-1001) is preassembled and permanently sealed; do NOT tamper with the tag as that could affect the tag’s ability to remain watertight and dust proof.

Figure 1: Tag Dimensions: Length (3.0″), Width (1.42″), Height (0.82″)

STEP 1 - Receive Tag Shipment

When tags are initially shipped, you will see them on your customer portal in the “Unseen Tags” container. Once the tags are received, place them near the powered warehouse tracker until all the unseen tags automatically populate into the warehouse container.  The tags will be colored red in the unseen tags container and green once they have moved to the warehouse container.  Contact Overview Customer Service if tags do not transfer to your warehouse after 30 minutes. Do NOT proceed if tags are not recognized by your warehouse tracker.

STEP 2 - Locate Ideal Tag Placement and Mount Tags

Find a place to mount the tag on the equipment (asset), where the tag will not be covered by metal or exposed to unnecessarily heavy abuse. Always consult the equipment manufacturer to ensure that tag placement does not interfere with internal wiring or other components.

It is recommended that tags be mounted in the same location on similar pieces of equipment. For maximum RF visibility, do not mount a tag on the underside of a piece of equipment. Figure 2 illustrates optimal tag-mounting locations. There are multiple methods of mounting tags, including pop-rivets and screws. We try to discourage the use of zip ties as they can become brittle over time and fail to hold the tag in place. Also try not to use a glue or epoxy on the bottom of the tag as this will destroy the barcode on the bottom making tag replacement, for bookkeeping purposes, difficult. 

Figure 2: Optimal tag-mounting locations.

STEP 3 - Complete Shipped Equipment Spreadsheet or Rename Tags Manually in Portal

There are two methods for renaming your tags:

  1. Email your filled in "Shipped Equipment" spreadsheet to overviewcustomerservice@logikos.com.
  2. Log onto the Overview portal and assign the tag ID to the equipment’s name, serial number, and mounting location (see picture below for reference). 

How to Use the Shipped Equipment Spreadsheet to Rename Tags

Find the tag ID number (e.g., 03D8BF50 in Figure 3) within the shipped equipment spreadsheet emailed from customer service. This spreadsheet has ALL the tag IDs you have purchased. A bar code scanner may be used to minimize transcription mistakes. This tag ID will be used by the Overview portal to identify equipment the tag is attached to.  
Figure 3: Tag ID

Using the spreadsheet, record equipment name, description, equipment serial number or any other pertinent information that helps you identify your equipment. (Ex: Fan-596, serial number 5687, Axial Fan.)  Once you have recorded all your equipment, email the spreadsheet back to overviewcustomerservice@logikos.com and they will update your portal with your new information.

How to Manually Rename Tags in Portal

To manually assign tags, navigate to Browse Assets. Within the search bar directly under the Logikos Overview logo, type in the tag ID and press enter or hit the magnifying glass. This will search the database for the specific tag ID and display the last known location for that tag. Then click on the tag and press the blue edit asset button located in the lower right corner of the screen. This allows the user to create a tag association with that specific piece of equipment. 

Next, fill in the following information that correlates to the specific tag: equipment name/description, tag ID, equipment serial number, and mounting location. It is important to remember that the “Tracker:” name shown in the picture below should be the tag ID. Also, asset types must be created before they are available in the drop-down list. 

Figure 4: Overview portal edit asset window

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